With the end of the school year approaching, the boy's volleyball season is coming to a close. The frosh-soph team here at Eagle Rock High School officially ended their season on Monday, April 22 with an outstanding record and advances in their sportsmanship and teamwork. With a weekly game and frequent practices, each team member shows a genuine passion and commitment for their games and fellow team members.
Because their season has recently ended, the team has been reflecting on the past few months. Ninth grader Andrew Cantrell noted that he feels he has formed a bond with his teammates throughout the season, saying “I got to know my team a lot better and I think we work together a lot better than we did at the beginning.” Cantrell went on to say that he only joined the team because “I didn’t like basketball tryouts and I thought the concept of volleyball was cool.” However, over the course of the season, he has learned to love every aspect of the game - he no longer gets nervous on the court or at practices and is excited to keep improving and working on his skills.

When asked how they feel about the end of their season, freshmen Andres Cruzat and Henry Jones said that even though they are going to miss games, this means that “we get to practice together and get better over the summer.” Every player seems to be genuinely committed to their teammates and their sport and extremely grateful for how they have bonded because of the volleyball team.
Coach Hancock adds to this by saying “...when the season started, some players barely knew how to set the ball over the net…now, I’m so proud of their improvement and we’ve played some great games.” Of course, no team is perfect, and it can be difficult to keep the team’s spirits up when faced with a hit to morale. Hancock says she reminds the players that “it’s an opportunity to rise above and try to improve their skills.”
After reminiscing about the season, Coach Hancock says that she is extremely proud of everything she has seen her players achieve and can’t wait to see some of them move on to the next level of the sport. These players have quickly proven that playing a sport is more than just workouts and practices; it’s team building, growing and improving together, and ending the season as not just a team, but a group of friends that will forever have that bond.
The Boys FS Volleyball team has recently completed their season and is ready to get back to practicing over the summer. For any eighth graders or freshmen interested in the frosh-soph volleyball program for the upcoming 2024-2025 school year, tryouts will be coming in June.