On Friday, September 6th, we had our first churro party for the 2024-2025 school year. Students left class at around 10:30 am for their minimum day brunch, picking up churros with their purple slips along the way. Massive lines, longer than the ones at Disneyland, formed for churros extending all through the quad.

In order to earn a churro, a student must have had perfect attendance for the first four weeks of school. Having been hit with a surge in COVID and extreme heat as of late, perfect attendance is a pretty applaudable feat. We commend all you Eagles with perfect attendance!
Eagle Rock High School and churros go hand in hand. Last year, our school began having churro parties as an attendance incentive, joining the wheel of names and various gift card/prize drawings. Typically, school staff stand outside the attendance office, collecting purple slips and handing out churros. (They are pretty delicious, by the way.)

If you didn’t get a churro this time, don’t worry. We have churro parties a few times a year, so make sure to keep up your attendance in order to qualify for a churro, as well as the chance to win other monthly prizes at the virtual assemblies.