So, what's new with the middle school houses? Most of us know that our first event, which was a big success, was a kickball tournament which Grey Wings won. This was only one of many events to come in the school year. Recently we had our Geography Bee, held in Ms. Lee’s room, which was also a success. Middle schoolers got to test their geography skills in this competition where you had to name the countries of Latin America and Europe. There was also a Kahoot! Grey Wings dominated the competition and came in 1st place!
Next, we will be talking about Bridges! Bridges is a club where juniors and seniors mentor middle schoolers on academics and do fun activities. For example, at the last Bridges meeting the juniors and seniors helped the middle schoolers calculate their GPA. Recently, Bridges had an event with the club Paper Pals where they made origami pumpkins which are now on display in Mr. Hicks' room. This year, president Geena San Diego made some changes to the club: Instead of 1 event each month there are now going to be 3-4 events each month and instead of being held after school, they are now held at lunch. These changes may have been the key to attracting more kids. The amount of kids that attend these events has grown since last year.
The last house activity is “Free Play Tuesday” which was held last Tuesday. During this event, middle schoolers and Bridges mentors could come to Mr. Hicks' room and play games with their friends. The game was chess, giant Jenga, and there were also Rubiks cubes there that you could solve. All of the middle schoolers that came earned an Eagle Buck for their house.