Everyone knows who Taylor Swift is. Maybe you’ve heard of her, possibly listened to a few of her songs, or maybe you’re a die-hard Swiftie. Whatever level of obsessed you may be, you’ll agree that it is almost impossible to name her best songs, because she does everything - pop, country, chill, and so much more. But after months of consideration, different opinions, and listening to Taylor for days on repeat, I came up with the following list of her top ten songs - five to sing in the shower and five to relax from a long day to.
In order to accurately rank the songs, I used a rubric to judge them on: lyrics, catchiness, replay-ability, and an overall rating. The scores were averaged, and the following list was compiled.
#1: “Mastermind”
Lyrics: 10
Catchiness: 10
Replay-ability: 10
Overall: 10
Final Score: 10/10
A few months ago, in the fall semester of 2022, I was going to publish this article with a completely different song in first place. Then, Taylor released her album Midnights. I decided to postpone the publication of this article because of all the amazing songs on said album. And, even though there were so many good pieces that I wanted to add to this list, “Mastermind” was the first that came to mind. Swift has always had a pop influence in her music, but this song was kind of the first to have a slight auto-tune vibe, and even though that kind of sound doesn’t really feel authentic on most songs, Taylor really pulls it off in “Mastermind”.
#2: “Don’t Blame Me”
Lyrics: 10
Catchiness: 10
Replay-ability: 9
Overall: 8
Final Score: 9.25/10
I honestly can’t say much about this song other than you need to listen to it right now. When the album that this piece is in, Reputation, was released, nobody expected this kind of sound from Taylor. Before this, Swift had maintained a country and almost innocent vibe. But after this album came out, Taylor changed completely. Now, her look was dark; dark lipstick, weird & creepy motifs, black clothes- what can only be described as Jenna Ortega in Wednesday if she was an international pop star.
However, she still hadn’t changed too much - she was still writing love songs like “Don’t Blame Me”, which tell the story of someone falling so deeply in love that it’s compared to a drug addiction. Taylor is basically saying that we can’t blame her for what she does under the spell of this love; and I am completely here for it. Amazing lyrics, a catchy melody, and just overall new sound makes “Don’t Blame Me” a song I will continue to listen to for a long time.
#3: “Speak Now”
Lyrics: 9
Catchiness: 10
Replay-ability: 8
Overall: 9
Final Score: 9/10
Even though this song isn’t on the top charts or anything like that, it really deserves to be. An amazing story is told of a girl who breaks up her ex-boyfriend’s wedding, believing that he’s “marrying the wrong girl”. The music is amazing, the story is captivating, and the only thing I could say is wrong with this is that more people aren’t in love with it. After discovering this piece a few months ago, I am so surprised that it isn’t top of all the charts. You might not be a Swiftie right now, but you will be when you listen to “Speak Now”.
#4: “Vigilante Sh*t”
Lyrics: 10
Catchiness: 9.5
Replay-ability: 5
Overall: 7
Final Score: 7.9/10
There are honestly no words to describe how good this song is. We’ve seen so many different Taylors: country, goth, a little bit sad, and so many more. However, this is arguably the best one. Swift is finally taking her life back from who everyone thinks she is and who they want her to be, and she is being her own person. She’s taking revenge on everyone who has wronged her, and she is doing it in the best way possible - amazing music.
#5: “Long Live”
Lyrics: 9
Catchiness: 10
Replay Ability: 10
Overall: 8.5
Final Score: 9.8/10
Although it’s not number one on the list, this song might honestly be the first one that would come to mind if anyone asked for a music suggestion. It has energy, Taylor’s voice is rich with emotion, and the song is astonishingly catchy. It goes from the high spirit and a cheery tune to a slower beat and heartbreaking lyrics, and truly deserves its place on this list.
#1: “My Tears Ricochet”
Lyrics: 11
Catchiness: 11
Replay-ability: 11
Overall: 11
Final Score: 11/10
There are no words to describe how incredible this song is. Like honestly - I have no words. I really tried to find a flaw, and I just couldn’t. To quote fellow Swifite and eighth grader Zadie, “Why is it actually so good?!!!” I’m not even exaggerating when I say that I could listen to “My Tears Ricochet” for hours on end, and it deserves nothing less than an 11/10, because it broke the scale.
#2: “All Too Well (10 Minute Version) (Taylor’s Version)”
Lyrics: 10
Catchiness: 10
Replay-ability: 9
Overall: 10
Final Score: 9.75/10
This piece is for sure one of Swift’s best. It tells an amazing story of someone reminiscing over their past and failed relationship. You learn about the highs and the lows, meeting the parents, and the rush of love that you feel at the start of a relationship. With an exceptional story and melody, the only reason this song didn’t get a 10/10 score is because it’s ten minutes long, which is pretty time-consuming if I want to listen to it on repeat. Other than that, the length just adds to the story told within this song, and I 100% recommend it.
#3: “Mad Woman”
Lyrics: 10
Catchiness: 8
Replay-ability: 9
Overall: 10
Final Score: 9.25/10
Although a lot of people may think that Taylor Swift belongs in one genre of music and stays there, I honestly think that everyone, no matter their music taste, can fall in love with this song. There’s honestly not really a lot I can say about this song that hasn’t already been said - so catchy, impeccable story, and I could listen to it for hours on end. Stop whatever you are doing right now, pick up some headphones, and listen to “Mad Woman”; it’s worth it.
#4: “Mirrorball”
Lyrics: 10
Catchiness: 10
Replay-ability: 8
Overall: 8
Final Score: 9/10
Before listening to “Mirrorball”, be warned: it’s almost impossible to not become obsessed. After listening to it a few days ago, it’s been running through my head on repeat, and even though I would usually get so annoyed at this, I’m not even mad - because it’s basically a perfect song. The only reason it’s not at the top of the list right now is because I’m in love with the other songs just a little bit more. 10/10 lyrics and the catchiest melody alive - the only fault I could find was that I got tired of it after listening a few times, and I needed to detox with a lot of Reputation and Midnights. Despite this, though, I would still completely recommend this piece.
#5: “New Years Day”
Lyrics: 8
Catchiness: 8
Replay-ability: 7
Overall: 9
Final Score: 8/10
All I can say about this song is, wow. It has absolutely everything - lyrics that tell a heart-warming story, it’s something that will forever be stuck in my head, and it’s honestly just an amazing song. The sole reason it’s number five on this list is that “New Year’s Day” isn’t really something that you might want to listen to over and over. Regardless of this though, this would be one of the first songs on my list if anyone ever asked for a recommendation - I truly think that anyone, no matter what music they listen to, could thoroughly enjoy “New Year’s Day”.
Although I promised only her ten best songs, I needed to add this message to you, the readers. Every one of Taylor Swift’s songs is a masterpiece and I highly encourage you to listen to each and every one of them. From one Swiftie to a future one, take it upon yourself to listen to Taylor in your free time. I promise you that it’s worth it.