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Join date: Sep 20, 2022


Inside a small cozy bookstore, possibly with some barbecue chicken pizza, in a town where the seasons *actually* change, you’ll find Lilah Hayes. Lilah Hayes (she/her) grew up nearby in Highland Park and attended Mount Washington Elementary up until seventh grade. She currently lives in Highland Park with her mom, dad, older sister, and cat named Nico.

Lilah is in eighth grade here at ERHS. Currently, her favorite subject is English because it comes the easiest for her. She loves to crochet and started a business selling crocheted bags, blankets, stuffed animals, and other creations to her friends and kids in her grade. Lilah also enjoys embroidery, crafting, and reading.

Few of us know what we want to do five years from now, but Lilah knows where she wants to be. She wants to travel across Europe, especially Ireland and Iceland. Lilah intends on going to college and wants to live somewhere pretty where leaves fall off the trees. If you find yourself years from now trying to track down the girl who crocheted your favorite bag, maybe check a small town in Chicago, or just your local bookstore, there’s a good chance you’ll find her there.

Bio Blurb by Genevieve Deetsch


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Lilah Hayes

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