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Girl Scout Cookies: Ranked

Writer's picture: Victor PackVictor Pack

Updated: Apr 4, 2022

Art by Joleen Cardoza and Anika Norton

Girl Scout Cookies, one of the most delicious desserts known to man, are finally in season. Having so many amazing flavors (that are available), it’s almost impossible not to spend all of your money on these treats! For the low price of 5 to 6 dollars per box, these cookies are definitely worth it. But which ones are worth buying the most? That is why I’m here! Today, I will be ranking Girl Scout Cookies!

Before we start, however, I want to share some history about the cookies. Girl Scout cookies were originally home-baked by girls with their moms as supervisors. They began selling cookies around 1917. Think about it, Girl Scouts have been selling cookies for over a hundred years! Later, Girl Scouts would go door-to-door selling these treats. The cookies were only 25-35 cents a dozen. Then 1951 came, and Girl Scouts went from selling simple sugar cookies to selling many extravagant flavors, including the Thin Mints we all know and love. Girl Scouts have evolved so much over the years, creating new boxes, new flavors, and so much more! Nowadays, some Girl Scouts are gluten-free, vegan, kosher, and Halal Certified! So much has changed, and it’s really interesting to know how it all began.

There are nine cookies currently being sold: Samoas, Lemon-ups, Tagalongs, Do-si-dos, Trefoils, Thin Mints, Girl Scout S’mores, Toffee Tastic, and the new Adventurefuls. Fortunately, I have no allergies and was able to obtain all of the cookies, so I tried them all. Each Cookie will receive a score between one and five based on its appearance, flavor, and name. The highest score a cookie can receive is fifteen and the lowest is three. May the cookie wars begin!

DISCLAIMER: This is just my opinion, all the cookies are amazing. Also, many cookies were harmed in the making of this article. Call PETF (People for the Ethical Treatment of Food) if you must.

#9 - Do-si-dos (6/15)

Photo by Victor Pack

Ranked last on the list, Do-si-dos are good, but there isn’t much that makes them too special. The cookies seemed sloppily put together, they were quite dry, and, to simply put it, looked boring. Do-si-dos are named after a type of dance; I’m not quite sure what that has to do with a peanut butter cookie. Actually, these cookies taste a lot like Nutter-Butters. They also have a very similar taste to Tagalongs, just without the chocolate. So, if you like Nutter-Butter, this is the cookie for you.

#8: Toffee-Tastic (8/15)

Photo by Victor Pack

Sadly, Toffee-Tastic was underwhelming. I love toffee, but this cookie wasn’t amazing. It didn’t have much toffee, and it looked super pale and dry. I do however like the name of this cookie! But the name kind of raises your expectations. The taste is not bad, it’s very buttery and has a few chunks of toffee that stick to your teeth. The butter, however, coats your mouth and doesn’t leave a nice feeling in it. The texture is hard and very crumbly. Good cookie, but definitely not my favorite.

#7 - Girl Scout S’mores (9/15)

Photo by Victor Pack

Girl Scout S’mores. I remember tasting these for the first time and being very excited, but these cookies did not meet my expectations. The marshmallow tastes very artificial, it wouldn’t even be recognizable as marshmallows. Especially since the chocolate is so overpowering. For being a specialty cookie costing $6, I do not believe it is really worth buying.

As you can tell, I didn’t greatly enjoy the cookies above. However, from this point on, the cookies were very good, and I quite liked them.

#6 - Tagalongs (9/15)

Photo by Victor Pack

Despite scoring the same, 9/15, as Girl Scout S’mores, Tagalongs scored higher on taste, hence ranking higher than the S’mores. A peanut butter cookie covered in chocolate, it has a nice crunch and flavor. It has a smooth chocolate coating making it seem very appealing. I enjoyed this cookie, and I totally think you should try it out!

#5 - Lemon-ups (10/15)

Photo by Victor Pack

Lemon-ups rank number five on the list mainly because of their lovely appearance and nice taste. They are hard and crisp. I wish they were a bit softer, though. The cookie has a nice initial lemon flavor, sadly, as you continue eating the lemon gets diluted. I really wish there was a more prominent lemon flavor, for if it did it’d probably rank higher. Can we talk about the inspiring messages though? I love how perfectly carved the message is on the cookie and honestly, it’s enough to make you smile. Great cookie, a perfect start to the top 5.

#4 - Trefoils (12/15)

Photo by Victor Pack

Coming in at number four, a classic crisp shortbread cookie with the name of Trefoil. Now, I was initially confused with its name, Trefoil, however, after further investigation, I discovered that a trefoil is a shape of the connected circles, kind of making a triangle with circular edges! What a suitable name. I love the buttery taste, the texture is perfect, not being too hard like Lemon-ups. These cookies are classic and truly worth buying.

#3 - Adventurefuls (14/15)

Photo by Victor Pack

A new flavor, Adventurefuls defied my expectations. They are a beautiful, appetizing cookie with a brownie base, caramel center, and chocolate drizzle. I thought this cookie would be chewy, but I was incorrect. The cookie was crisp, but a perfect crisp, and the flavor was perfectly balanced out with a hint of salt. I’m very glad I was able to get my hands on this cookie because it’s amazing and one of my new favorites!

#2 - Thin Mints (14/15)

Photo by Victor Pack

Ah, thin mints. An iconic flavor that is loved by all. The perfect crisp of the cookie and the amazing flavor combination of chocolate and mint are just a chef’s kiss. I don’t feel like there’s much to say about this, only that it’s an amazing cookie. Now, Thin Mints are awesome, don’t get me wrong, but there is one cookie that outshines them all.

#1 - Samoas (15/15)

Photo by Victor Pack

SAMOAS! My all-time favorite girl scout cookie. I absolutely love Samoas. Don’t mistake this tasty treat for the Indian dish Samosas or the country Samoa! The chewy chocolate and caramel cookie sprinkled with coconut is quite delectable. It’s the perfect cookie. Girl Scouts recommend eating only 2 cookies per serving, however, I don’t think many of us can stick to that limit. Samoas deserve the 1st spot as the best Girl Scout Cookie.

And, there you have it. Samoas are the best girl scout cookies. Now, go find your local girl scout and buy away!

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1 comentário

06 de abr. de 2022

There are actually 2 GS bakeries, one near here and one in Orange County (I think). They have different versions and names for some of the cookies, as well as an entirely new one that's french toast/maple syrup flavored. You could try those too.

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