When the lunch bell rings, students come swarming out of their classes to go see their friends, play sports, and of course, eat lunch. The problem comes when you’re trying to find a place to do this. Where do you go? By this point, most people have claimed their territories and thus the high school hierarchy continues. You can use this as your guide to Eagle Rock’s favorite and least favorite places to spend their lunch period.

9: The Cafeteria
By a resounding vote, the least liked place to enjoy a meal was the cafeteria. The noisy atmosphere combined with the amount of people crowding around to get school lunch makes it a very unpleasant experience to be there. While there are some perks, like being able to sit at a table, it is overall the worst-rated lunch spot.

8: Tables Outside the Cafeteria
This choice was slightly less disliked, but still had most people agreeing that they wouldn’t want to eat there. A lot is going on, and if you don’t like a bustling environment, this spot might not be for you. However, if you enjoy being surrounded by lots of people running around and talking, you should definitely sit down over there.

7: Basketball / Volleyball Courts
Yet another unpopular choice of seating was around the basketball courts. Though at first it may seem unpleasant to enjoy lunch sitting on concrete, there is some nice shade if you can make it past the courts. Still, most people didn’t rate this spot well either.

6: The Quad
The quad was a toss-up. It seemed to be the most average place out of all of them, with people rating it equally across the board. Because not many people eat on the field, it’s fairly unpopular, but counting the surrounding tables, this spot can be nice.

5: A Bench or Tree Planter
This spot was slightly better ranked than the quad, but still has its problems. A bench provides a place to sit, but it can be uncomfortable to eat on your lap. However, if you find a nice tree planter in a peaceful location, this can be an okay place to eat. According to the data, most people don’t enjoy sitting here.

4: The Grassy Area
The middle school-dominated area of zen or dread. Many people enjoy this area, and many despise it. It can be a nice place for a large group of friends to sit and hang out, but it’s also annoying to sit on the grass. Many upperclassmen find it annoying to walk by, as they could trip over someone on the floor. Overall, though, it’s an enjoyable place that will allow you to eat in peace.

3: Tables around the quad
The tables surrounding the quad, or as some people call them, “senior tables”, are one of the best options out there. They include the comfort of sitting down, while also being able to be in the center of everything. It’s extremely rare that you’ll be able to get one, but if you do, you’re very lucky.

2: Other tables around the school
The classic green tables can be found littered all over school; some are by the cafeteria, others are near the basketball courts. Whichever one you manage to find, you’re sure to enjoy your time there. Some come with an umbrella, which is ideal for extremely hot or cold days. Others are long enough so that your whole friend group can sit with you. Some may argue that the business of the atmosphere takes away from enjoyment, but if you like a bustling area, the tables are for you.

1: A classroom
The number one voted spot to spend lunchtime was a classroom. It makes sense; you get to be inside of a nice room, presumably with a teacher you like. You can sit with your friends at a table, or study. There are plenty of rooms open at lunch, so you’ll definitely find one you like. While it could feel isolated from the rest of the school, many students enjoy the seclusion and would rather eat in a classroom than anywhere else.
Individual opinions
Of course, it’s all up to the individual student. After gathering some personal testimonies, it’s clear that classrooms are at the top of the list for students. They provide a “quiet environment” where people can hang out with their teachers and friends. Kids definitely don’t enjoy the cafeteria or the area outside it, saying that it’s “too noisy” and “has too many people trying to fight for a place in line for school lunch.”
What the data shows

After surveying over 100 students from around the school, the patterns are clear. People like to eat lunch in peace, usually in a secluded little spot. The majority of people have found this serenity in a classroom, but there are plenty of people who hang out in spots they find scattered around the school. For the small percentage of students who would rather talk with all of their friends in a busy area, they prefer the big lunch tables over the cafeteria. Breaking the data up, it’s clear that most people love the classrooms, hate the cafeteria, and can’t decide how they feel about the quad.

In conclusion, Eagle Rock High is a unique place. With so many people eating lunch at once, it can be hard to find a good spot to go. People keep finding new places to spend their lunch period, like the library, the horticulture garden, and the steps around the quad. Older grades usually get table priority over middle-schoolers, and it can feel like you’ll never get a good table. But have no fear; there’s always next year!