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Join date: Sep 4, 2024


Ellie Cole-Calderon (she/her) has always had a passion for the arts. Growing up, she’s been surrounded by her parents and brother who adore participating in creative activities. Whether that’s theater, dance, or singing, her immense talent shines through in anything she pursues. 

Ellie is only an eighth grader; yet, her involvement in our school is unmatched. She just recently joined our concert program to play the clarinet, enrolled in our journalism program as a staff writer, and is currently focusing on aerial silks for dance. With this being Ellie’s last year in middle school, the idea of high school has been lingering in the back of her mind. She’s excited about joining our theater company and improving her writing skills in journalism over the next few years. 

However, in the far far future, she plans on pursuing a career around music and literature; she doesn’t mind going to college around Los Angeles, but she’s willing to also live anywhere with a bustling city. Ellie has a bright future ahead of her, and if you don’t know her, look out for her on the big stage!

Written by Kylie Sadsad


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Ellie Cole-Calderon


Staff writer

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