Meet the students of Eagle Rock High School! All photos by Nyda Hosack

What’s the weirdest food combination you love?
I love papaya a lot, but my family thinks it tastes like baby food just because of the flavor and texture.

What reality TV show do you think you could win?
I think I could win Too Hot to Handle because I'm up for a challenge and I could build connections.
Love Island Australia - it has to be Australia because the accents are cooler.

What would you do if you were invisible for a day?
Probably just go on a shopping spree for a day. I'd go to Brandy and Sephora.

What do you think is the worst fashion trend?
Probably the jeans with the dresses over. I would definitely never wear that because it's really hard to pull off.

Where's the first place you would go in a zombie apocalypse?
Probably a jail because that’s the most secure place. I don’t think any zombies will get in. And the prison food probably isn't too bad so I can live on that.

What conspiracy theory do you believe is actually true?
The moon landing is fake. I think we sent people into space and they didn't make it to the moon because we didn't have good enough technology. Then they just went on a movie set to fake it and hired actors to pretend that they survived.

What ice cream flavor describes your life?
Cookies and cream because it's black and white, in my life there's a lot of both good and bad.